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Writer's pictureMalefeu Mamedupi Lethuba

Learn to Love Yourself

We are all unique

Individuality is gradually decreasing with time – everyone wants to look the same way, eat the same things, and achieve identical goals. What happened to being unique? It is more than okay to be inspired by others, but there is a fine line between finding inspiration and replication. Be yourself unapologetically, step outside your comfort zone and display your individuality.

Never compare yourself to others

We have given social media power over our minds, we are constantly trying to keep up with trends, and we tend to forget to live a little without all that unnecessary pressure. Social media has made the mistake of attaching definitions to our very own unique traits. For you to be considered ‘beautiful’ these days, you must look a certain way – you must have flawless skin, a flat stomach, and a waist as thin as a ruler. Who has the audacity to define beauty? I can assure you that all is not as it seems on social media, some people claim to be fitness models, yet they pay to alter their physical appearances; almost everyone has a few insecurities about the way they look, even the people you consider to be flawless.

Do not seek validation

We constantly need people to remind us that we are smart, beautiful, and that we have things under control. It is not up to other people to validate our being, because sometimes people are just not present, and YOU constantly need to remind yourself of how great you are. Do not be so hard on yourself, the materialistic environment we created is already doing a fantastic job at that. When you are confident, someone will find a way to call you ‘arrogant’, and when you lack a string of confidence, someone will call you ‘timid’, the point I am trying to make is, people will ALWAYS find something to complain about no matter what you do, so just be carefree!!

Get to know yourself

Some people are so used to being surrounded by others; they even feel uncomfortable sitting in their own silence. Understanding yourself is the first key to loving yourself – know how your mind works. Spend time alone with your mind, know what upsets you, what makes you happy, and what agitates you. Be brave enough to acknowledge your deepest, darkest thoughts and face them head on. Take a break, dedicate a quarter of the day to yourself, meditate, eat out at a restaurant by yourself – be comfortable with your busy mind. Learn to love yourself!

“You owe yourself the love that you so freely give to other people” – Alexandra Elle

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