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Writer's pictureMalefeu Mamedupi Lethuba

How to Stay Productive During the Pandemic

In general, it is very difficult to get things done on time. We sometimes need motivation to complete the easiest of tasks. We are currently stuck in the middle of a pandemic, and it is easy to get lost in our bubbles. Here are a few tips to help you stay productive during the pandemic:

Plan your day - When you wake up, write a list of the things you would like to get done before the end of the day. It is important to be realistic when compiling this list, and it is also important to pair the tasks based on the level of difficulty - you should avoid attempting to complete all the difficult tasks in a single day. For motivation, tick off each item as you complete it. Look at your list before you go to bed and carry over the incomplete tasks to the following day.

Find a time that suits you - Find your most productive time of the day. There are times in the day when you feel alert and in the zone, during these times you are able to produce your best work regardless of your surroundings. Under certain circumstances, we are forced to be productive even when we feel exhausted. It is very important to find out which time of the day (morning, afternoon or evening) brings out the best in you.

Make up for procrastination - Even if you somewhat manage to stick to a schedule, chances are, you will still procrastinate. It would be unrealistic if this paragraph was titled "Do not procrastinate". I have learnt that the most important thing is to make up for the time lost - Challenge yourself to catch up on the work you missed due to procrastination. Push yourself to do at least one task every single day before you sleep, even if you read 1 out of 30 pages from a required reading.

Reward yourself - Once you complete a very difficult task, reward yourself, celebrate your achievements. Reward yourself with things that make you happy, in my case, cake. Spoiling yourself to an entire season of Money Heist during test week will not bring happiness and fulfilment, you will end up feeling like your test marks could have been better. The duration of your reward depends on you, remember that work keeps piling up, and it will not wait for you.

Take a break - Sleep for at least 7 hours - You need to be well-rested in order to function optimally. It is important to look after your mental health because what is the use of working towards a certain goal if you are not feeling well. Exercise, stay hydrated and surround yourself with people who make you happy.

I am not an expert, I am simply sharing these tips because they have been working for me during the pandemic. Of course I often fall behind on work because I decided to watch back-to-back Harry Potter movies on a Monday. It is important to focus on your strengths and stay consistent, you will reap the rewards.

"Discipline is choosing between what you want now and what you want most"

- Abraham Lincoln

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Apr 28, 2021

Sweet. Short. Realistic. I love it!

Malefeu Mamedupi Lethuba
Malefeu Mamedupi Lethuba
Apr 29, 2021
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Thank you ☺️☺️❤️

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